Most stores in America have sales and mark-down events that their shoppers enjoy and take advantage of. But none of them can compare to the REI Garage Sale. It is almost considered a "cultish" type of event in some circles. And by 'some circles' I mean YoungLife people.
A couple times a year REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) gathers all of the items that have been returned to the store and sets them out on the store floor for the "garage sale" event. Usually the event takes place early in the morning on that particular day. Sometimes as early as 6a.m. on a week day.
But the thing that is so unique about this event is that REI enthusiasts will sleep or "camp" outside of the store until the doors open early the next day. They brave the elements, hard concrete to sleep on, security patrols and hobo's. If you hear of an REI in your area having one of these events, drive by early in the morning and watch all the people line-up. And all you have to do is drive by, seeing as how no sane person would ever wait outside of a store in the hot, cold or rain for a used 2-year-old NorthFace fleece. But be cautious, do not ever speak badly of the REI Garage Sale with Younglifers present, your friendship will end automatically. Younglifers see REI as a second, or first, home and will do anything to protect their local REI. Most likely, one or two of your local YoungLifers work there.
On the evening before the garage sale, go and visit the homes of your YoungLife friends. As you get to their homes or co-ops, the scene will most likely look as if they are getting ready to go camping or hiking for a weekend. But beware, they are actually getting ready to embark on their favorite social event other than a feet washing session at their area directors house: the REI Garage Sale.
The Younglifer will most likely have their sleeping bag, nalgene, bible, chacos and beanie or bandanna on hand and ready to go. As outdoor enthusiasts, the Younglifer has to show all the other people at the REI store how much they love their "gear" or outdoor equipment. This allows for everyone waiting outside the store, whether they know one another or not, to bond and share stories of there hike through the Appalachian Trail or their trek through the Rockies.
Once inside, everyone rushes through the store rummaging through all the "gear" trying to find the best and newest stuff they can. All items are dramatically marked down, so it easy to grab a lot of "gear" for only a little cash. At the end of this, the Younglifer will most likely want to sleep in a hammock or get pancakes from the local diner. Go with them, seeing as how if you do not, they will think you are not hard core about your REI experience.
NOTE: When viewing a Younglifer during the actual rush for items, do not forget that they are still Christians even though they just pushed over the old guy helping his grandson look for a new backpack. Once the sale is over, which usually takes only 15-20 minutes, there senses and the Holy Spirit will return and you will once again be able to talk and read about Paul's adventures in the book of Acts and how you LOVE when Samson catches all the foxes and then sets them loose with torches on their tales.
NOTE II: When the sale is over and the Younglifer has purchased all that he or she could get, always compliment them on their finds. For Example, "Dude/Dudette, that weekend pack is so sweet, you can't even see the tear in the side." or "I wish I had found that pair of worn out Chacos." or even "I didn't know you needed fifteen used carabiners and a single old hiking boot, but hey, SWEET SNAG BROHIEM!" all of these will maintain your friendship with the Younglifer.
Here is the link for REI. www.
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