Wednesday, September 3, 2008
#11 Journaling
Besides slack lining, napping and reading Velvet Elvis, Younglifers love to do one thing everyday without fail: Journal. Usually a Younglifer will find a time during the day when the spirit is at its peak and that is when they will journal. This may be in the early morning hours of the day or in the evening when the sun is going town behind the cliff that they just free climbed. But whenever the time, it's always the right time. Journaling is usually paired with reading scripture from the bible. When the two occur at the same time in most cases large sections of scripture will be copied word-for-word from the bible to the journal. This way, if they are in a place where they want to preach the gospel or the story of David, they do not have to have their bible with them. This allows the Younglifer to be that "cool Christian" that doesn't care about the "institution" of the "church." Whatever that means. Ask a Younglifer.
Another important side factor about journaling is the actual journal itself. A Younglifer will most likely have one that is very unique and personalized in some way. This can be done with a paper composite pulp cover journal for a girl Younglifer. She will color it and draw multi-colored stick figures of her and her best friends (small group) inside a big red heart with another stick figure of God above them saying, "I Love You!" Guy Younglifers on the other hand will have a leather bound, gold leaf journal that was given to them by their old YoungLife leader or the wife of the man who disciples him. It will most likely have their initials on it and on the inside a "sweet" verse that will inspire him.
But, on the outskirts of Christianity, there are some rebel Younglifers who wear Toms shoes and Jorts and like to listen to Radiohead. They ride road bikes and like to say things like, "What does pursue even mean?" These are your Moleskine Younglifers. Moleskine is a journal/notepad company that has been making such products since Jesus was a boy.
Note: Jesus used a pocket Moleskine to draft the sermon on the mount.
Moleskines tell other Younglifers that, "Yeah Shane and Shane are OK, but Derek Webb really ties together my religious and political views." These Younglifers love to write and journal, but thats not all. They write short stories, poems and draw pictures of tattoos that their parents won't let them have until they are financially independent. They carry their Moleskine in their side bag ( SYL issue #5) at all times and love to read their latest epiphany to anyone who will listen. Most likely they will prefer to read it to non-christians seeing as how what they write is edgy and not for the home schooled.
Note: Moleskines are great gifts and are accepted by Younglifers everywhere, anytime.
Note: DO NOT EVER, FOR ANY REASON OPEN A MOLESKINE THAT BELONGS TO A YOUNGLIFER WITHOUT PERMISSION. If you do so, be prepared to know all about the girl/guy that they wish they were pursuing/being pursued by. And also how much they hate how money is still currency instead of the potatoes and tomatoes they are growing in their town home garden.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
#10 Summertime (Serious Edition)
Summertime is when you fall deeply in love with things that you wouldn't otherwise. You run barefoot everywhere and the park and field become your new first home and it is a very good thing. It is when you lay in ankle high grass and watch the stars walk from horizon to horizon and then they fall off into the great morning flood. And you fall in love with fast melting sno-cones and sandal tanned feet. And the heat doesn't seem to bother us like it did when it first come on. But we still rush from car to house, house to car taking refuge in the sweet feel of the air conditioning.
Summertime is this almost unrealistic part of our lives in which we are able to run and swim without inhibitions. Summertime brings a love of heat and humidity that saves our frail bodies from the winter chill. Our shirts stick to our backs as beads of sweat bleed down our tanned temples and soak into them. It becomes just right to sit in the park at night and watch the consolations change into the things that we see in our dreams. And in those parks and fields the scent of grass and humidity rush from person to person.
We covet the idea of summer freedom and hold it tightly to our breast as we rush around with our life's loves. Those who we know deeply in a way that only God himself could have orchestrated. And we cling to them, we cling to the idea of them because we know that being alone in the summertime is no way to be. We know that being alone is horrible and, even though we hate our weakness, we still want to be with them.
And within them, in that park, you see her. She is wearing that summer dress and she has bare feet and a flower in her soft hair. And it is then and there that your summertime love starts. You read Oswald to her and whisper into her ear when no one is looking, and you both love the feelings it brings. And together, you run and swim and talk and rest with one another and you learn one another. And this is good, and you thank Him for it and He is glad.
He gives love and joy to those who seek him. In the summertime is when He moves through the warm breeze and hot summer nights when summertime girls will chase summertime boys through the July rain. And it is here that we can see the physical smile of God, when His children bond and play and love and explore His creation together.
Yes, it is in the summertime when we take true ownership of the freedom we are given. When we can read the books that have long eluded us and that make our hearts long for something that it never had before. And we start thinking about changing things and making things better and we do it, we actually do it! We move and shake and toss things into the sun filled air and we love it. And then, a cool crisp wind blows through the park, down the street, through the alley and onto your front porch and it is then that you know. Autumn is coming.
So, you run through the fields of gold one last time and you kiss her on the mouth under the full oak tree and it is right and it is good. And then it is over and you wait once again. You wait for the love of a melting sno-cone and the feel of a sweat filled shirt clinging to your back. And you wait once again for the summertime.
Monday, August 18, 2008
#8 Brand Name Christianity - (Section 1) - The North Face
A Younglifer is naturally drawn to mountainous areas. Any nature area that has pine or spruce trees, mountains, valleys, creeks and cliffs will act like Brett Rodgers to a Jack Johnson song. So naturally a Younglifer would need the right equipment and clothing to explore and enjoy these beautiful places. Luckily The North Face has produced a line of clothing and packs that allow for Younglifers to enjoy all the greatness of God's outdoor creation.
Younglifers who wear North face are the kind of Younglifers who like to sit in a mountain wedged Lodge with hot chocolate and smores. They like words like "cozy" and "star watching". They wear a North face fleece jacket with jeans and either chacos or hiking boots. New Balance running shoes are also acceptable in this situation. Sometimes they will have a smaller North face Day-pack with them at all times.
These Younglifers love Starbucks and the movie "Into the Wild". One of there favorite things to do is to peak a 14er in a day and then hit the cabin for a quick quiet time in there Moleskine while drinking milk filled coffee and eating GORP ("Trail Mix" to the non-Younglifer). Personalized coffee mugs are their favorite and they always enjoy a good back rub. So, if you ever see a Younglifer with a North Face on, offer them a bag or GORP and a back rub and you are automatically "in".
Note: These types of Younglifers hate the word "patagonia" for it brings tension to their lives. So, under no circumstances are you to say or wear anything that resembles the word "patagonia". This rule applies as does the rule in Harry Potter to the "One who shall not be named!"
Note: Try to find a unique color or type of North Face when around other Younglifers, this will tell them, "Yeah, I searched around on Craig's List and eBay to find just what I wanted at a good price." Auto in!
Note: The Image at the top of this entry is a true Younglifers ever endearing image of what heaven will and does look like.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
#7 Nalgenes
If you are friends with a Younglifer then you know that they are super active. Whether it be running to and fro on campus, climbing a mountain, preaching on Amos or throwing the 'disc', they are out there getting into. But what about when a Younglifer gets dehydrated? What would we do without our rolled up jeans wearing, Christ loving, granola eating friends? Well no fear, Nalgene is here!
What is currently known as Nalgene Inc. is actually two different companies molded together. In 1995 Nunc inc. and Nalge Inc. formed together to create what most Younglifers love to refer to as, their Nalgene.
Easy to clean and shatterproof, theses water bottles are easy to carry on any Christian adventure. They hold a decent amount of water and also come in tons of awesome colors, including opaque! But what is so cool about a water bottle you ask? can put stickers on it!!! Awesome? I think so!
What's that you say, you can put stickers on any water bottle and why would you pay extra for an expensive one? Well actually, you can't. It is against the law for Younglifers to buy any other water bottle. At least this is what a Younglifer thinks. Usually, on any given Younglife Nalgene water bottle you will find stickers representing outdoor companies, towns in Colorado, actual YL stickers or pieces of paper with scripture taped to the bottle.
So, if you are looking to find an "in" into the Younglife crowed buying a Nalgene is a good way to start.
Note: Scratch and scuff up your Nalgene so that it looks like you were climbing a 14er the week before.
Note: You are required by Younglife rule book section 42, paragraph 5, line 6 to always share the contents of your Nalgene whenever asked by anyone. It does not matter if you are sick or not, you HAVE to share. Remember WWJD, right? Read lamentations chapter17, it is in there somewhere.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
#6 YoungLife Vocabulary Unit 1
In YoungfLife there are many key terms and phrases in which Younglifer's are able to more aptly communicate. Here are five of the most popular, loved and used phrases in Younglife terminology.
Note: It is always appropriate to use these terms when with a Younglifer. Most likely, it will strengthen any bond or friendship.
1.) Pour out/into - (Phrase/Saying) a. To spend time with or to connect with emotionally on a deep level for more than one consecutive hour.
b. To, on a continual basis, spend time with and
encourage someone of lesser faith.
c. To sacrifice oneself for their religion.
ex. - Julie was pouring out on her YoungLife team.
ex. 2 - John is pouring into on the goth kid at the high
2.) Love on - (Phrase) a. See "Pour out/into"
3.) Pursue - (Term/Verb) : to pursue, being pursued.
a. To keep up with and constantly check up on a person. (see: Annoying)
b. To write scripture on post-it notes or scrap paper and give as
c. The act that proceeds dating within YoungLife couples.
ex. He is pursuing me so well, I think we are going to start dating.
4.) Get into the Word - (Phrase) : got into the word, getting into the word.
a. The act of reading and studying the Bible.
b. The act of reading scripture, then praying for more than
or equal to three hours.
c. To have a Bible open at a coffee shop.
ex. - I got into the word today at Starbucks.
ex 2. - Younglifer #1 "What are you going to do today?"
Younglifer #2 "Eh, probably get into the word."
5.) Being Intentional - (Action/Verb) a. To make an over-exaggerated effort to know
someone. (see: Awkward)
b. The act of writing down multiple "coffee dates"
in ones day planner.
c. Always asking the question "How is your heart?"
to people you know well.
d. Always asking the question "Are you in YoungLife?"
to people you just met.
Now you have five new phrases and vocabulary words to use when you are around your Younglife friends. It is usually always acceptable to use these in any situation or circumstance. Most likely, the Younglifer will see you as a friend or true YoungLife enthusiast and will bring you to 'Big Leaderships' and late night prayer meetings.
Note: Do not use these terms outside of a "Younglife" situation. If you are seen doing so, the Younglifer will be utterly angry. They will revoke all YoungLife privileges and will not invite you to watch the newest Nooma video.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
#5 Mountainsmith Side Bags
Younglifers have a lot to carry around during the day, especially at camp either with kids or during summer staff. But thank the good Lord above for the Mountainsmith backpack company! They, in all their genius, have invented the perfect product for Younglifers on the go: The Mountainsmith Sidebag. They are functional, trendy...hip to go on your But this is perfect for Younglifers who have to be ready to hit the trail, climb a mountain or preach the gospel on a moments notice (this includes ALL Younglifers if you are not aware).
Friday, August 1, 2008
#4 REI Garage Sales
Thursday, July 31, 2008
#3 Bandannas
Thursday, July 24, 2008
#2 Africa
Many missionaries and travel oriented Christians will tell you that Africa is one destination that they long for greatly in their heart. This is especially prevalent within the YoungLife community of leaders. We choose this destination because of our strong pull to help those who cannot help themselves and to spread the gospel to all the ears of the earth. This is one of the most noble and honorable reasons to do anything I suppose. But what about those of us who have never been, but yet, speak about it as though we have? Those who are this way will put pictures of Africa as their Facebook profile picture or will have a flag of a coutnry of the continent on their wall in their room. Also, they may have necklaces with a likeness of the continent hanging from it. In any case, it has become somewhat of a status symbol in some groups.
If you ever overhear a YoungLifer saying, "Yeah, the Sudan was amazing, I just feel like it is my home." Then you should immediately start asking questions about their trip to make them feel important and special. I mean, they don't want to feel as though they spent $5,000 for no reason, right? Asking questions that allow them to tell of their experiences will solidify their reason for going.
Other countries that are at the top of the list for missional work are China and India. Speaking with and talking about these two countries with YoungLifers is suitable only in certain situations. These include that either the YoungLifer has been to one of them, or, is about to go to one of them.
Also, with those who have been to Africa, you will most likely be able to tell whether they have been to Africa or not. All you have to do is check their Facebook profile picture. It will most likely be a picture of that person or persons surrounded by tons of small African children. It is so cute.
NOTE: Under no circumstances are you to ever say that there are 'already enough missionaries in Africa' to a person who is about to depart for Africa. This will crush their spirits and rattle their reasons for going. Although this might be good in the long run, seeing as how this might divert them to either China or India.
Here is a great link to some very cool African photography.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
#1 Chacos
Not only do they have great support for hiking, climbing, backpacking, camping and spelunking, but they also tell people who are around you, "I want to look as much like Jesus as possible!" When wearing these outdoorsy sandals (this word 'sandal' does not accurately describe the awesomeness of chacos) there is no way that anyone can mistake you for anything other than a super-awesome outdoorsy Christian youth leader. I mean how could they. And if they do, they are probably emo or goth or something else that we usually don't associate ourselves with.
Now, if you are not familiar with chacos and find yourself in the general proximity of someone wearing them, there a few things you can do to instigate conversation. One correct conversation starter could be, "Hey, did you get those at (popular local outdoor store)?" Another might be, "I like those Z2's but I think the Z1 is the better model, especially for waterside hiking." Either one of these will probably allow for a nice conversation to start with any YoungLife leader.
NOTE: Do not ever, for any reason, bring up the brand name 'Teva' for any reason. The YoungLife leader will think you are uneducated in the outdoor ways and will shun you automatically from any social activity or bible study.